control freak Slang n.
One who has an obsessive need to exert control over people and situations.
early riser - someone who gets up early
go getter - someone who goes after their goals
hot·head (hthd) n.
A quick-tempered or impetuous person.
o·ver·a·chieve (vr--chv) intr.v. o·ver·a·chieved, o·ver·a·chiev·ing, o·ver·a·chieves
To perform better or achieve more success than expected.
push·o·ver (pshvr) n.
1. One that is easily defeated or taken advantage of.
risk taker - someone who takes chances
self-starter - someone who can do things that are needed independently without direction from someone else
as·ser·tive (-sûrtv) adj.
Inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively self-assured.
driv·en (drvn) adj.
2. Motivated by or having a compulsive quality or need: a driven person.
eas·y·go·ing also eas·y-go·ing (z-gng) adj.
a. Living without undue worry or concern; calm.
adjective inward-looking, introverted, brooding, contemplative, meditative, subjective, pensive, inner-directed I'm very introspective and shy; terribly so.
let someone go - to officially tell someone that they can no longer work at a job
nurturing - someone who cares for and encourages the growth or development of.
op·ti·mistic (pt-mst) n.
1. One who usually expects a favorable outcome.
peace·ful (psfl) adj.
1. Undisturbed by strife, turmoil, or disagreement; tranquil.
re·fined (r-fnd) adj.1. Free from coarseness or vulgarity; polite.
sys·tem·at·ic (sst-mtk) also sys·tem·at·i·cal (--kl) adj.
1. Of, characterized by, based on, or constituting a system.
un·pre·dict·a·ble (npr-dkt-bl) adj.
Difficult to foretell or foresee: unpredictable test results; unpredictable behavior.
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