Vocabulary Unit 1 - What's the story?

Vocabulary Focus

Note: definition is chosen according to what meaning is given in the World Pass book.  Words can have other meanings.

al·ter   (ôltr) v. al·teredal·ter·ingal·ters v.tr.

1. To change or make different; modify: altered my will.

cov·er  (kvr) v. cov·eredcov·er·ingcov·ers
b. To be responsible for reporting the details of (an event or situation): Two reporters covered the news story.

go after
pursue an idea

go over
2. To examine or review: go over the test scores.

make up
4. To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent: made up an excuse.

piece together
figure out what happened (World Pass-Upper Intermediate)

ver·i·fy  (vr-f)  tr.v. ver·i·fiedver·i·fy·ingver·i·fies
2. To determine or test the truth or accuracy of, as by comparison, investigation, or reference:experiments that verified the hypothesis. 

Additional vocabulary
change a  / one's story - to change the details of a story
kill a story - to not publish a story that was ready to be printed or aired on TV.

con·se·quence  (kns-kwns, -kwns)
Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition

ex·pec·tant  (k-spktnt) adj.
1. Having or marked by expectation: an expectant look; an expectant hush.

fam·i·ly  (fm-l, fmln. pl. fam·i·lies
a. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.

fate  (ft) n.
a. The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events.

magic charm  (chärm) n.

4. An item worn for its supposed magical benefit, as in warding off evil; an amulet.

sol·emnly  (slm) adj.
1. Deeply earnest, serious, and sober.
2. Somberly or gravely impressive.

sor·ry  (sr, sôradj. sor·ri·er, sor·ri·est
1. Feeling or expressing sympathy, pity, or regret:

stormy night - 
storm·y  (stôrm)
adj. storm·i·erstorm·i·est
1. Subject to, characterized by, or affected by storms; tempestuous.

vis·i·tor  (vz-tr) n.
1. a person who pays a visit; caller, guest, tourist, etc

wish  (wsh) n.
1. A desire, longing, or strong inclination for a specific thing.

loss  (lôs, ls) n.

1. The act or an instance of losing.
Your loss is my gain. 

Source: The Free Dictionary.com

Telling stories:
I'll never forget the time...
A couple of years ago...
Last summer...
It happened when...
One night...


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